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At its biological level, stress is a natural warning system.  It is the body’s response to signs of potential threat.  This response (known as the Stress Response), is our very own, inbuilt protection mechanism (which is kind of cool).  The Stress Response activates to alert you to the presence of potential danger so that you can respond by defending yourself in an appropriate way – either by removing yourself from the situation (flight) or by tackling it head on (fight).  This warning system is naturally designed to shut off once the danger has been averted.


However this is where the problem lies.  In today’s fast paced, continually disrupted, highly demanding world – our stress response is often constantly triggered, leaving us in a chronically stressful state with the system seldom, if ever, switching off.  This chronic state in turn, feeds in to many other areas of our lives, including our health, emotional wellbeing, relationships, careers, happiness and our ability to thrive.    


In this programme, we work together to understand the stress triggers in your life and then reduce your response to them.  The coaching aspect of the programme focusses on creating awareness and building knowledge so that you feel informed and empowered to take action.  We couple this with the amazing stress reducing benefits of mindfulness, hypnotherapy and essential oils to bring your nervous system back in to balance and leave you feeling calm, relaxed and in control

If you are struggling with stress and overwhelm and need some support, I would love to talk to you and discuss how I can help.  

Click the button below to book in for your FREE 15 minute consult

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